Where is My Mojo

Archive for November, 2011|Monthly archive page

A race for a cause

In Triathlons on November 29, 2011 at 10:30 AM

Our team is doing the Nautica South Beach Triathlon on April 1st and we are raising funds for a great cause known to many… St. Jude’s Children Hospital. Go to the link below to find out more and make a donation if you can. Our team goal is to raise $25,000. Thanks!

Carola Chaurero’s Page.

Got me some new Newtons…

In Run, Triathlons on November 26, 2011 at 1:28 PM

RIP Lady Isaac (left). It’s been an exciting year and to have had your support has been a delight, both training and racing. But now it’s time to move on. We’ve come to the end of our relationship. Your work is done, and there’s nothing you can offer to make me grow and perform better. I must give way to my new Distancias (right). Hopefully he (these are “he’s” BTW) will succeed in keeping up the Newton name in the heights! I promise to keep you in my closet as a memory of what we once had…