Where is My Mojo

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Augusta Half Ironman

In Triathlons on February 23, 2012 at 6:14 PM

This is on my target this year… CLICK HERE

An Article Worth Reading

In Bike, Run, Swim, Triathlons on February 22, 2012 at 6:30 PM

Train your brain, then your body

The Cyclist

In Bike, Triathlons on February 21, 2012 at 6:30 PM

I’ve been missing in action for many weeks. I got into a funk that partially debunked me. Additionally, I’ve been hating the idea of getting on my bike. Fear of the street. Not necessarily of cars passing by, but the idea of not being able to un-click from the pedals at any given intersection and crossing big avenues. On top of all, a triathlete in our community was killed last week product of a hit and run. His name, Aaron Cohen. This all happened on an early Wednesday morning going up the William Powell Bridge, better known as the Rickenbacker Causeway, a must for any cyclist or triathlete in town, as it’s the only “hill” we can enjoy. I never knew him and don’t even recall his face from any race I’ve participated in, but it affects us all one way or another, because it could’ve been any of us.

After his death, this video from Tony Blazejack resurfaced on Facebook. I had never seen it, but it was made in 2010 when yet another cyclist here in Miami was killed, also product of a hit and run, on the same bridge. And if I’m not wrong, on the same location. The music is beautifully haunting. Jill Hartmann, from what I gather, is a local singer. I’ve been able to find her on iTunes and will most certainly download her album. The song is called The Cyclist.

If you are a cyclist, be safe out there. Respect the traffic rules. If you are a driver, the same. And don’t forget that a person on a bike has less protection than someone in a car. So, don’t get annoyed if you have a cyclist in front of you. Try to be patient. It could be a loved one riding that bike.

Ghost Bike

Ghost Bike

P.S.: The video/film is beautifully done…

Triathlon Etiquette

In Bike, Run, Swim, Triathlons on February 4, 2012 at 5:22 PM

While running today with my teammate and friend Karla, we stepped upon a recurring topic of conversation. We have talked about it many, many times, but for some reason I fail to write about. I fail because I have a very bad memory… Now, this is directed to all of us, athletes, triathletes, runners, yogis, anyone performing a workout in lycra pants/bottoms or anything snuck to your lower body. No matter in what great conditions your body is in… how great you and your possessions look in lycra… you HAVE to AVOID wearing white or any other light color. People, it’s not good. We can see you! And when I say “we can see you”, it’s because we really can. And let me tell you, it’s not a pretty picture. Yes, your body looks awesome!!! All your abilities shine! But, when you are on that bike, and we are behind you, we can see you!!! We can see through you!

So, do us a favor, wear dark pants. And if we ever see you out there, we are calling the Triathlete Fashion Police!


From “Clichés & Platitudes”

In Life on February 4, 2012 at 8:00 AM

Even the best writer has to erase.


Alien Endurance Tri training kicks off tomorrow… officially!

In Bike, Run, Swim, Triathlons on February 3, 2012 at 9:11 PM

Officially Tri season training starts tomorrow for us. With the ING in our memories, we now move forward to other important things. We kick-off with a bike-run brick. And I confess I haven’t been on the bike since Miami Man… I lie, actually I was on it once after that race, riding in Shark Valley… but never again!

Shark Valley lies in the heart of the Everglades, and that means only one thing: alligators!!! Well, mosquitoes too. There’s a 15 mile loop trail for biking, running and tours on a tram. I’d do the tour on the tram next time. I have no desire to run that trail. Although the gators are in the water, probably profoundly asleep, sometimes they get out for a walk. Ok, I’m sorry… clipped to some pedals riding by them is not something I want to do. I went with two friends, and one of them is an extremely obsessive animal lover. At one point she tells me “Carola, go to your left and just head straight”… of course I knew there was something… and that something was a huge long tail getting back into the water, which meant, that that alligator was actually out of it. This is the same friend that got me into triathlons… I should’ve learned my lesson… never trust her again!!! Anyway, as safe as they put it… “Oh, I’ve taken my kids to ride there thousands of times”, “If there were some kind of danger, they wouldn’t have it open for the public”, I was not comfortable. Especially with the thought of getting a flat tire and having to change it… there… in the middle of nowhere! And I need to remind you I’m not the fastest when it comes to changing tires… at least not yet. I’ve changed a couple and it’s taken me forever.

Anyway, I have no clue how I ended up talking about gators, when all I wanted to say is that tomorrow we are back as a complete group getting ready to tri season 2012… exciting times!!!



The only constant in life: Change

In Life on February 3, 2012 at 1:05 PM

One of my best friends sent this to me today. Yes, at the end it sells a brand and yes, I’m getting the little Holstee dress in white. But the message is so true. Change is coming constantly into our lives. Embrace it and let your true being come to life! I’m doing it! Are you?

ING Half Marathon 2012 – Memories

In Marathons and Half, Run on February 1, 2012 at 12:30 PM

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